
How To Draw An Angel Realistic

In this tutorial I volition show yous how to depict wings on the back of a human, creating an affections. Angels, though seen every bit spiritual rather than fabric, are pictured as winged humans. Just wings are non simply an appendix growing out of the shoulder blades—they're specialized arms. So a typical angel has 3 pairs of limbs!

Then how to draw realistic angel wings? You need to dive a lilliputian into human and bird anatomy, not only mixing the basic and muscles visually, just also keeping their function in mind. And so in this tutorial I volition show y'all not simply how to draw wings, or affections wings, simply how to draw a realistic angel as well.

This tutorial can be complemented by the tutorials below. They dive deeper into the subject, providing terminology and more advanced knowledge.

Of course, if you simply need to depict a pair of angel wings, y'all tin safely skip the beefcake part—the footstep-past-footstep instructions will exist still easy to follow!

1. Comparative Anatomy of Human Arms and Bird Wings

Human Arm Beefcake

Let's start with human beefcake, as you're already quite familiar with it. Arms are fastened to a construction called the pectoral girdle—the shoulder blades and the clavicles. This gives the arms a wide range of move. A large muscle, called pectoralis, powers the shoulder—it's attached to the sternum.

human arm breast muscles front human arm breast muscles front human arm breast muscles front
human arm breat muscles back human arm breat muscles back human arm breat muscles back
human arm breats muscles side human arm breats muscles side human arm breats muscles side

Bird Fly Anatomy

All articulate? Let's have a look at a bird now. Birds have a pectoral girdle too, although information technology's a little more circuitous: the clavicles are fused into a structure called the furcula (or wishbone) that works like a jump, and their function is taken over by a special bone called the coracoid (absent in humans). Because a birds demand much more power in their artillery than humans, their shoulders are powered by huge pectoral muscles continued to a massive sternum.

As you can run across, wings are not only arm bones—they're a complex construction of pectoral girdle, artillery, and chest muscles. That part starting at the shoulder is the most visible, but existent, functional wings need more this.

bird muscles front bird muscles front bird muscles front
bird muscles back bird muscles back bird muscles back
bird muscles side bird muscles side bird muscles side

Here's a quick visual comparison of both structures:

human bird arm wing comparison human bird arm wing comparison human bird arm wing comparison

Winged Human Anatomy

Y'all've probably noticed two problems here. 1, we need to fit two pairs of limbs with separate shoulder blades and clavicles on one chest (if each pair is supposed to motility separately). Two, the sternum must be huge, with space both for huge fly-pectorals and smaller shoulder-pectorals. So what do we do?

human wing anatomy human wing anatomy human wing anatomy

There are many ways to solve these problems, each equally fantastic. It's neither possible nor useful to have two pairs of limbs and so close to each other, so whatsoever solution we come upwards with, information technology will exist only a pseudo-realistic rendition of impossible anatomy. Merely information technology'due south still better than simply sticking some wings to the back!

Here'southward my idea: the sternum is enlarged, with two layers of pectorals attached to it. The human-clavicles reach lower and are more curved, to go out space for the coracoid of the wing. The bird clavicles are removed—not all flying birds have them, so nosotros can assume they're not necessary for flight. The bird-pectoral muscle is yet very big, roofing the front of the trunk.

winged human angel anatomy front winged human angel anatomy front winged human angel anatomy front

The actress pair of shoulder blades has been placed between the man ones—fortunately, bird scapulae are narrow and can be curved to fit this placement. The wings start behind the original shoulders, slightly above them.

winged human angel anatomy back winged human angel anatomy back winged human angel anatomy back

In this configuration, each pair of limbs can move separately, and the whole structure looks quite convincing—though in reality it's not enough for a powered flight!

winged human angel anatomy side winged human angel anatomy side winged human angel anatomy side

2. How to Describe the Beefcake of a Winged Human

If yous want to draw an affections, or simply a winged man, you need to alter their chest first. It's not necessary, of course, merely information technology volition add to the realism. I used this photo of a shirtless, muscular man as my model. He looks perfect for this purpose!

First, I added the fake bones inside the breast, with coracoids landing somewhere backside the shoulder-neck muscles. I tried to keep the sternum large, but not absurdly so (though it would exist more than convincing this manner!).

human bird bones human bird bones human bird bones

At present, I attached the muscles to the bones, using the real muscles as a reference where possible.

human bird muscles human bird muscles human bird muscles

After I turned the photo into a slice of line art, the new anatomy merged nicely with the original one.

winged human torso winged human torso winged human torso

If y'all demand a reference for both the forepart and dorsum view of a winged man, feel costless to use these:

winged man chest bones winged man chest bones winged man chest bones
winged man chest muscles winged man chest muscles winged man chest muscles

You can as well simply re-create these drawings to follow the rest of the tutorial.

winged man angel reference winged man angel reference winged man angel reference

3. How to Draw the Structure of the Wings

Stride one

Draw the basic rhythm of the wings. Forget the anatomy for a moment—simply sketch a shadow of what the wings are supposed to look similar in the end.

basic wing curve basic wing curve basic wing curve

Step two

Draw the arm and the forearm, creating a triangle under this basic bend.

arm and forearm of wings arm and forearm of wings arm and forearm of wings

Pace 3

Add the "finger". It bends a little somewhere in the middle, and then yous can use it to create the pose you lot need.

finger of the wing finger of the wing finger of the wing

Step iv

Draw a line separating the primary feathers from the secondary ones. It should be shorter than the forearm.

primaries secondaries border primaries secondaries border primaries secondaries border

Footstep 5

There are usually ten chief feathers. Marking the "finger" to create space for each. Brand the markings more spread out in the further half.

primaries markings on finger primaries markings on finger primaries markings on finger

Step 6

Draw the longest primary feather, starting at point 9.

longest primary feather longest primary feather longest primary feather

Pace 7

Draw a curve that volition create the basic shape of the primaries. It should be similar a section of a circumvolve, suddenly turning towards the wrist.

basic outline of primaries basic outline of primaries basic outline of primaries

Step eight

Draw the beginning five master feathers.

first five primary feathers first five primary feathers first five primary feathers

Step 9

Describe the other three primaries—these can become outside the bend, getting more similar to the longest primary in length.

last primaries last primaries last primaries

Step x

The secondary feathers should turn towards the body. Draw the last ane.

last secondary feather last secondary feather last secondary feather

Step 11

Depict the curve of the secondaries.

curve of secondary feathers curve of secondary feathers curve of secondary feathers

Step 12

Draw the secondaries. No need to count them—just describe them in a similar rhythm, until yous fill the area. No need to draw them in the front-folded view, though—they're behind the folded primaries here.

rhythm of secondary feathers rhythm of secondary feathers rhythm of secondary feathers

4. How to Draw Angel Feathers

Step 1

Outline half of the primaries. The part inside the boundaries of the curve should be round, and the one outside more narrow. That's how you lot create the feature slotted feathers.

how to draw slotted feathers how to draw slotted feathers how to draw slotted feathers

Stride 2

Draw the other half of the primaries. This part should be closer to the rachis.

shape of primary feathers shape of primary feathers shape of primary feathers

Step 3

Outline the secondaries now in a similar manner. No slotting here!

outline of secondary feathers outline of secondary feathers outline of secondary feathers
full secondary feathers full secondary feathers full secondary feathers

Step 4

Both primaries and secondaries are covered by greater coverts. They should embrace the shafts of the feathers. Plan their length first. Keep in mind that the coverts are placed separately both in the front and in the back!

plan of greater coverts plan of greater coverts plan of greater coverts

Step 5

Sketch the boundary for these coverts. It should mimic the rhythm of the feathers information technology covers.

outline of greater coverts outline of greater coverts outline of greater coverts

Step six

Draw the covert feathers.

draw greater coverts for primaries draw greater coverts for primaries draw greater coverts for primaries
draw greater coverts for secondaries draw greater coverts for secondaries draw greater coverts for secondaries

Stride 7

There are likewise lesser coverts covering the greater coverts. Draw them the same manner, except this time avoid the dorsum of the primaries.

outline of lesser coverts outline of lesser coverts outline of lesser coverts
shape of lesser coverts shape of lesser coverts shape of lesser coverts

Step 8

Additionally, there's also a construction chosen the alula—a clump of feathers attached to the thumb. It covers the wing in the back, only a part of information technology can exist visible in the front as well, when the thumb is "open up".

alula feathers alula feathers alula feathers
alula shape of feathers alula shape of feathers alula shape of feathers

Footstep 9

The infinite between the flight feathers and the body is filled with scapulars (in the dorsum) and tertials (in the front).

scapulars tertials rhythm scapulars tertials rhythm scapulars tertials rhythm
scapulars tertials shape scapulars tertials shape scapulars tertials shape

Pace 10

Finally, fill the remainder of the wing with tiny covert feathers.

tiny covert feathers tiny covert feathers tiny covert feathers

Pace 11

The wings, when folded, are put under the mantle—feathers that are a part of the bird's body. You can leave this out if yous want to show off these amazing dorsum muscles, simply they can assistance brand the wings await like a whole.

mantle outline mantle outline mantle outline
mantle feathers mantle feathers mantle feathers

5. How to Draw Angel Wings

Stride 1

The guide lines are finished—it'southward time for the real drawing now! We're going to practice it in the exact reverse order to the manner we drew the construction. First, draw the mantle and the tiny coverts. Keep them fluffy! At that place'southward no need to draw the feathers separately, every bit they're not normally visible that way.

fluffy feathers on wings fluffy feathers on wings fluffy feathers on wings

Step 2

Draw the alula and the scapulars/tertials.

draw alula scapular feathers draw alula scapular feathers draw alula scapular feathers

Footstep 3

Draw the lesser coverts. Here's where you need to showtime paying attending to the order of the feathers. In the back, start cartoon from the elbow side, and in the front from the finger side.

lesser coverts order lesser coverts order lesser coverts order

Step 4

Draw the greater coverts. Continue the order!

greater coverts order greater coverts order greater coverts order

Stride 5

Finally, the beautiful primaries and secondaries. You can draw the rachis quite thick in them, but it should get thinner towards the tip.

primaries secondaries detail primaries secondaries detail primaries secondaries detail

Step 6

Once you're done, you lot can outline the feathers. Merely be careful: if the lines are too strong, they tin can look too thick and hard (unless information technology'due south the style yous're going for, in which case go alee!).

outline the feathers

Simply Divine!

Now you know how to describe angel wings and the wings of a winged human. If you want to larn more about drawing humans, I recommend these tutorials:

how to draw an angel step by step how to draw an angel step by step how to draw an angel step by step


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