
How Much Is 1.2 Oz Of Makeup

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Prices for 1/8, one/4, 1/two and ounce of practiced weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AldiabFTW, Jul thirty, 2011.

  1. AldiabFTW

    AldiabFTW Registered User

    I would usually buy a gram of really skillful weed, for $xx. An eighth normally costs $60, how much would a 1/iv, 1/2, 1 ounce etc. cost me?

    I live effectually Fort Worth and Arlington, Texas.

    This is my get-go thread, I'm new here, thanks! :D

  2. Ultraslav

    Ultraslav Registered User

    1/four would be 120, 1/2 would be 240, and I get my zips for about 420.
  3. Nhan420

  4. MostDopee

    70, 160, 300 for Fire. I have a peachy hook up.
  5. Mason420

    Mason420 Peace, Pot & Microdots

    I pay 100 a q, 180 a one-half, 350 an oz.. for some purple fire aha

    i/eight: 55-65
    i/4: xc-110
    1/2: 180-200
    Zip: 360-400

    Depends on the person and how adept the dank is. Sometimes y'all have your 20 a g chilly, or you lot got some 25 a g dankity dank.
    That's PA prices atleast. Idk about your area, but your prices look about the same.

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  7. d3thk0r3

    one/8: 30$
    ane/4: 60$
    one/2: 100$
    Goose egg: 160$
    QP: 500$
    Pound: 1400$
  8. ConnorW

    Ha I'yard really shut to you, and railroad train in fort worth but a ane/4 100-110 1/2 prob 150-210
  9. coloradomountainman

  10. AldiabFTW

    AldiabFTW Registered User

    No? weed gets cheaper in bulk, and i've only bought eights and grams earlier, it was just an estimate
  11. KMX01888

    I pay around
    90 a quarter
    150-180 a half
    and 300 a zip

    All for dankity dank.  My last pick ups from this connect were diesel and so now I have Juicy Fruit.  For a rule of pollex I would never pay more 100 for a q and never more than 350 a zip no matter how dank the bud is.

  12. Hypoxic

    Hypoxic Well-Known Fellow member

    50/100/200/400 for me simply hopefully 0/0/0/0 before long once I go my setup off the footing!

    My donation is a lilliputian high except I do factor in its delivered to me and its medical quality bud so I'yard willing to pay high side. My once in a while source is more in line with twoscore/75/150/300 for dank just not as chilly as my medical bud.

  13. Buddha_monk

    Buddha_monk Well-Known Fellow member

    information technology gave him a ballpark number. he knows now not to pay 140 for a quater cause everyone else is paying around eighty-100

    quit beingness a dick to someone trying to brainwash themselves

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  14. BuddhistBrian

    BuddhistBrian Passin' The Knowledge

    I'm getting 50/xc/140/250
  15. 420fun

    1/8. $xxx
    one/four. $50
    1/ii. $100
    1. $180-200
  16. justin314

    I'g from Georgia here for work and out of smk my number is 229-457-3606 if anyone can aid me out got cash in hand hmu plz
  17. Domo OG

    Domo OG And then Fresh then Clean

    Vancouver Island BC, here i pay for dank ass weed:
    $10 for a dime bag, ordinarily i.5 one thousand's to 2g'due south
    $20 for an eighth
    $40 for a quarter
    $seventy for a half o
    and effectually $120 -$140 for the full ounce

    feeling bad for anyone who has to pay more than $ten for a dime bag, if weed was that expensive idk if id be smoking information technology as much every bit i do at present

    • Like Like 10 one
  18. Nugtone

    Nugtone Well-Known Fellow member

    QT- 80-100

    If you're paying more than than $300 for a zip, in Whatsoever state, your getting ripped off.

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